Let's Study

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According to the Experts
Howard L. Kingsley
in Dantes (1997)

Learning is a process
not a product
The process whereby
the properties and behavior
generated and transformed
through practice and training
Hilgard in Arai (1997: 35)

Learning is a
process of giving birth or change
an activity
through exercise distinguished road
of changes by
factors that do not include exercise.
Robert M. Gagne
(Syaiful Sagala, 2010: 17)

Learning is a complex activity
and learning outcomes in the form of capability
due to the onset of capabilities:
(1) - stimulation from the environment;
(2) - the cognitive processes carried out by students.
According to Winkel

Learning is all mental activity
or psychic underway
in active interaction in the environment
which resulted in changes
in the management of the understanding
According to Morgan
et al (1984)

Provide a definition of learning
Learning can be defined as any are relatively
permanent change in behavior as roomates accurs
a result of practice or experience
Namely that behavioral changes as
as a result of learning for practice (practice)
or because the experience (experience).
According to James O. Whittaker

Learning is a process
where behavior inflicted
Learning is essentially a process of interaction
against all situations that exist around the individual
Learning is a set of actions
designed to support student learning
and terms of learning
closely linked to
the notion of learning and teaching.
According to Skinner (1985)

Provides a definition of learning

Learning is a
process of progressive behavior adaption
Namely that learning is a process
behavioral adaptation is progressive
or Learning is
the relationship between stimulus and the response that is
created through a process
behavior that is progressive.
According to
Mc. Beach (Lih Bugelski 1956)

Provide a definition of learning
Learning is a
change of performance as a result of practice
This means that learning
to bring change in performance
and the change was as
a result of the exercise (practice).
According Thursan Judge
Study Effectively (2005)

Learning is a process of change
in the human personality
and such changes revealed in
form of increased quality and quantity
behavior such as improving the efficiency
knowledge, attitudes, habits, understanding
skill, intellect, and other capabilities
Buy Your Future With Science
Not just your life that facilitated
when you diligently studied
but also the lives of others
learning will give you a new understanding
so you can face new challenges
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edited by. Myscript2010
Copyright 2017 Cibeber Cimahi

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